Episode 22: Best of Holistic Money Coaching Calls
In today’s episode, you are getting a special, behind-the-scenes listen to a few Holistic Money Program Coaching calls. In these calls, I cover money topics such as money mapping, intentional spending, tax preparation, etc. Each week, students of the program attend these sessions live, ask questions, and get coaching on their money mindset.
For this episode, you’ll hear some of the best content from three recent coaching sessions to share with you. I cover a variety of topics, from money mapping to debt. Enjoy!
Key highlights
[00:00:00] Introduction to today’s show: Best of Holistic Money coaching calls
[00:01:08] Topics included in the calls
[00:02:06] Enrollment for the Holistic Money Program
[00:03:11] Mindset to help you in money mapping
[00:07:40] Three ways you can use debt
[00:11:16] Three main causes of debt: Overspending, under-earning, & strategic leverage
[00:29:07] Intentional spending
[00:31:01] Difference between emotional, intentional and impulse spending
[00:34:00] 11 questions to ask yourself to become intentional with your spending
[00:46:03] Exercise: Adding up mindless spending for March
Notable Quotes
So one of the things that I want you all to come into the money mapping process with is that managing money is simple, and when I talk through the categories that your money will flow into, you have to clean out your brain.
Debt is not good and is not bad; debt is neutral. It is a tool in your toolbox.
If you're listening to this, watching this, or here now, you have every opportunity to make more money. The question is, do you really want to?
So I want you to ask yourself when it comes to how much you're earning, do you want to do the things you need to do, or would you be required to do them to make more money? Because I don't want you to tell yourself why you’re accumulating debt because of under-earning, but at the same time, if we flip that over and look, we realize that you're not willing to do what it takes to make any more money.
And the way that I truly think about money is that it is never a problem. If I have an investment opportunity that I sincerely believe in and know will make me money, I don't worry about whether I can afford it because I know that I can borrow money.
I don't want any of you to ever count yourself out for an investment opportunity simply because you don't think you have the money for it. After all, debt is always available to you as long as it's a good investment opportunity. As long as you believe and you can convince someone else to believe, you can get money to pay for it.
if you're constantly in the mindset that debt is bad, I shouldn't have debt; it's not an option for me; it's like you're walking around in the world with your eyes shut because you don't get even to see any opportunities that could be available for you where you actually could leverage debt to do something interesting.
I had a lot of really strategic, smart ways of thinking about money and debt and what was really important to me and how I wanted to use my money because I had my vision for the long term. I had my vision of freedom, I had my vision of passive income, and I had my vision of using money strategically to make me money later. Because I was focused on that, I am now, seven years later, in an amazing financial position where I enjoy the fruits of my labor.
There are so many ways that we spend money. And so we just want to make sure with the money that we steward, with the money that flows through our calendar and goes and creates the life that we want. Are we building that art exhibit? Are we really building the most important thing to us with our money? Or are we using our money in a way that is mindless, that is, emotional spending or impulsive spending versus actual intentional spending?
And what I want us to start to practice and bring into our spending more intentionality, questioning, and discerning: Is this something I really want?
I know that everything I desire for my life, everything that I want, if my soul is in alignment and wants it, then I know that thing wants me too, and we're going to come together, and we are going to realize my dreams. So I don't have to be in any kind of hurry or pressure to get the things I think I want right now; I can just be patient with the process.
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