You are driven which has created success in your life, but now you’re ready to build wealth.

You’re an ambitious woman. You have a lot on your plate, including the family finances. You earn a lot but you don’t just want to make money; You want to experience freedom with money! You are ready for a purposeful relationship with money that allows you more freedom, less restriction and more wealth. You realize that in order to achieve this, more hard work isn’t going to cut it. Instead, you need to create a holistic money plan for your finances and fundamentally change your relationship to money and wealth.

You’ve been struggling with…

  • Recognizing and capitalizing your full wealth building potential.

  • Financial organization, automation and systemization with money.

  • Understanding where you money goes each month and how to use it to build wealth and create financial freedom.

  • Earning a lot but not knowing where it goes and why.

  • Confidently investing in the stock market, real estate or buiness.

  • Making money without using your time.

What you really desire is…

  • Fun, lightness and creativity with money

  • Consistency in your savings, spending and investing strategies.

  • Clarity on how to manage your money in your business (if applicable) and personal accounts without restriction and budgeting

  • A holistic understanding of different ways to invest your money, whether it is in the stock market, real estate or business.

  • A creative investment plan reflective of the life you want to live

  • Income steams that come in without you having to go to work for them each month.

“I am entering 2022 with a fearless mindset and a $100K increase in my net worth.”

“It is not an exaggeration to say that my last year working with Whitney has been a life changer. I never could put my finger on why things weren’t coming together for my finances and my business until I started coaching with Whitney. I had worked unsuccessfully with a financial coach, and I also worked with a business coach whose answer to everything was “raise your prices.”  My work with Whitney finally brought everything together.  Under her guidance, I did raise my prices, but we also focused on raising the value that I brought to my clients.

The results speak for themselves. I am entering 2022 with a fearless mindset and a $100K increase in my net worth.  I have doubled my revenue and am poised to do that again next year, and I have savings and investments for the first time in my life, and I have also been able to increase my charitable contributions.  Best of all, I have my Money Map and a framework so that I can confidently make financial AND business decisions.  I cannot thank you enough.”

-Patricia R., Business Owner, Public Speaker, Coach

Hi, I’m Whitney. I can help.

I’m a Certified Financial Planner and Money Mindset Coach. I spent the first 7 years of my financial planning career struggling with money. It took an entire overhaul of my money mindset and financial systems to step into my financial power and create financial freedom in my life. Now, I live a financially free life on 10-acre ranch in Wimberley, Texas. I completely changed my life with money and you can too.

Financial Freedom Coaching will help you step into your financial power, build wealth and create a wealth plan that supports your personal life goals.

Unlike most money experiences, Financial Freedom Coaching takes a three-dimensional approach to personal empowerment, focusing on Inner Wealth - how to cultivate an experience of internal abundance, Outer Wealth - how to create an impactful, money-making business and build wealth- and Higher Wealth - how to invest your money according to the life you want to live. Together, we will reconsider and reconstruct each money dimension to activate the highest version of your financial potential.

The Holistic Money process empowers you to step into the full value changing the way you relate to money. After working together, you will find yourself standing in a financial future that looks and feels really freaking good.

I increased my net worth by $100,000 since working with Holistic Money!

The biggest block holding me back was that I believed I had to keep myself small to keep others safe. I now believe that I can celebrate my successes and be my whole self while also lifting others up around me.”

-Hannah Berle, Head of Onboarding and Maintenance at VRBO

Financial Freedom Coaching Includes:

  • Money Mindset
    Together, we will unearth your thoughts and feelings about money. We will challenge limiting beliefs around wealth, and teach you how to think strategically about money so you can learn to and use it as a creative tool to build your dream life. By the end of this month you will have…

    • An in depth understanding of your Money Mindset

    • Awareness of your most practiced money beliefs that hold you back

    • A new way to think about money that grows your wealth to the next level

  • Money Mapping

    Money Mapping - This month is about organization and tactics. We will build your Money Map and determine exactly how much money to spend, save and invest to ensure you're prepared for your goals. Whether you're working to pay off debt, wanting to quit your 9-5, building a business or are looking to buy your third investment property, Money Mapping will provide you a simplified, automated money system that will provide clarity and ease in your financial life. By the end of this month you will have…

    • Dedicated checking and savings accounts that match your financial goals.

    • Clarity on your business finances with a consistent amount to pay yourself each month (if applicable)

    • A holistic investment strategy with retirement, after-tax, real estate and crypto accounts set up.

    • Money automatically flowing to your checking, saving and investment accounts each month

  • Money Expansion
    Money Expansion - This month is all about EDUCATION and ACTION! We will create a wealth acceleration plan by diving into the 3 asset classes (Stock Market, Business, Real Estate) to determine how to strategically use each asset class to achieve your long-term goals. This month is about purpose, creativity and creating passive income opportunities with money!

    • An overview of the 3 asset classes to invest

    • Education and risk management within each asset class

    • Tools to help analyze your investment opportunities

    • Network of alternative investment options to consider to grow your wealth and diversify your portfolio

  • Quarterly Money Dates

    • After we go through the Holistic Money Curriculum above (traditionally takes 3 months), we will meet quarterly for money dates to check your financial progress and update your plan due to life changes.

  • Email Support:

    • In between sessions. I am available as your financial co-pilot through email and/or text.

Financial Freedom Coaching takes a highly personalized approach to your financial life. This is not your standard financial planning. The approach we take goes much deeper and coaches you to change your relationship with money forever. We also focus on holistic education on investments so you can confidently grow your wealth for the future.

  Grow yourself. Grow your wealth.

While most coaches only focus on the practical aspects of wealth building, we go much deeper.

Inner Wealth

Inner wealth is the practice of cultivating an experience of inner abundance. Together, we’ll deep dive into your relationship with money. This exploration will reveal the reasons you’ve been blocking or inviting financial prosperity. With this awareness, you will align your inner worth with your external desires. Inner Wealth teaches you life-changing tools to relate to yourself, money and business (if applicable) in a new way. You’ll learn to how to navigate scarcity thinking, manage your negative thinking around money, and more consistently operate from a place of abundance.

Outer Wealth

Outer Wealth is the practice of creating an environment of external abundance. We will begin by identifying the financial results you want to create. Specifically, how much money do you want to earn, spend and keep. We’ll identify your financial priorities and then we will build your Money Map, or your financial management system to ensure the money you’re making is directed towards the life you want to live. Your Money Map will determine how much you save, spend and invest each month.

Higher Wealth

Higher Wealth is the practice of promoting your higher-self to the CEO of your money. Higher Wealth integrates your intuition and/or the spiritual elements of life into your business (if applicable) and money strategy. It relies on the principles of trust, faith, patience, rest, devotion and receiving. Without integrating Higher Wealth into money strategy, you will likely to fall into hustle, burnout, scarcity or pushy thoughts and feelings with money. Higher Wealth work acknowledges and addresses the systems of oppression (patriarchy, racism, ageism, sexism, etc) that influence our experience with money by exposing the foundational scarcity mindset from which these systems of oppression were built.